martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Class 6 and class 5

Hello all again!
I have a wonderful surprise for you all!
I have a special link and password where you can visit the Pupil's book online and you can have access to all the listening activities and other extra activities.
How can you do it?

IMPORTANT: use Mozilla Firefox browser. You will need your parents to help you with this
(navegador Mozilla Firefox. Necessitau el Adobe Flash instal·lat. Demanau ajuda als vostres pares per a fer-ho)

First: Go to 


-If you are a student in class 5

USERNAME: 19quest53m979

-do the extra Resources of units 5 and 6 of the Activity book. 
For example: Crossword, writing, song activity...

Remember to send me a picture of them so I can see you have done them. 

-Listen to the story of unit 5 and 6

-Do the listening activities of unit 5 and 6

RECORDAU: després de fer cada activitat online, m'heu d'enviar una foto o captura de pantalla de les activitats fetes, així veuré que les heu fetes i si les heu fetes bé. Podeu fer les de l'ACTIVITY BOOK. Us envio un exemple de la captura de pantalla i de les activitats que heu de fer. 

-If you are a student in class 6

USERNAME: 19quest63m3736

-do the Extra resources activities of the lesson 7 

-listen to the story of unit 7

-do the listening activities of unit 7 


lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Task 6. For Class 5 and class 6. My Easter holidays.

Please, write what you did during your Easter holidays.

Remember you need to use verbs in the past. 
Please, check this list of irregular verbs. 

You should write 3 paragraphs: 

For example:  
 1.- Hello, my name is... I will tell you what I did during my Easter holidays.

I played... with my sister/brother.
I cooked... panades.
I helped... my mum.
I watched... TV.
I ate... 
I finished to read a book.
I walked my dog. 
I slept until ten o'clock.
My favourite activity was... 

In conclusion, I had  ...good/wonderful/boring/ ...  Easter holidays

Remember to use connectors:

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Comic about your routines_Task 2.

Hello all,
I send you good examples of the Routines task (task 2).
(by Lluís, class 6)

by Catalina Barceló

This is Joao's task. Thanks a lot!
 And this is Mariona's task. Thanks a lot!

This is Catalina de Volder's task. Good job! Thanks a lot!

Class 6. Answers of Unit 6.

Hello children,
please, look carefully and do the correction of the Activity book (AB), unit 6 Eureka. 

AB p 55

AB p 56

AB P 57

Grammar practice (AB p 93)

AB p 58 

AB p 59

AB p 60-61

AB p 62-63

Deadline to send me a picture of all your corrections is 24th of April.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

Task 5. Easter is coming! (For 5th and 6th graders),853,x0,y74
Here you have an Easter quiz (Kahoot quiz) to check and remember some Easter vocabulary.
Remember you need this pin code

The deadline to do this Kahoot quiz is the 7th of April. Good luck to all of you!

 Save this link and come back to see the podium once the challenge has finished. I will post the winners. 

English Infantil

Aquí teniu algunes de les cançons i contes que es treballen a educació Infantil.